In Time for Hobbit Day, Talking about Tolkien
Not only does September 22 (often) mark the Autumnal Equinox (the first day of astronomical fall) in the Northern Hemisphere, but across Middle-earth it is also the birthday of those two most excellent of hobbits, Bilbo and Frodo Baggins.
In honor of this annual celebration of all things Tolkien, I am linking here videos I made during and after the pandemic. Some are back-ups for virtual conferences, others are, well, I will let them speak for themselves. They are presented in no particular order, and with a brief description.
"Monstrous (Im)mortality: Ecocriticism in 'Akallabeth'.'" - This is a back-up taped copy of my on-ground paper delivered at the Summer 2023 Tolkien Seminar on the Second Age at Leeds. I think the title says it all.
“'Pearls’ of Pearl: Medieval Appropriations in Tolkien’s Mythology.” - This is a back-up taped copy of my paper delivered at the International Medieval Congress, University of Leeds, UK, in 2022. In this paper I draw connections between the medieval poem "Pearl" and Tolkien's tales of Earendil and Elwing.
“Beware Melkors Bearing Gifts: The ‘Tale of Adanel’ as Gothic Fiction.” This is a back-up taped copy of my on-ground paper delivered at the Tolkien Society Seminar 2022: Tolkien and the Gothic, Leeds, UK. "The Tale of Adenel" is Tolkien's story of the fall of humanity in Middle-earth, and is buried in the commentary to another essay in Morgoth's Ring.
“The Problematic Perimeters of Elrond Half-elven and Ronald English-Catholic.”
Tolkien Society Summer Seminar, virtual presentation, July 3, 2021. In this paper I argue that Elrond is the Middle-earth character that has the most in common with his creator,
"Morgoth's Ring and the Fantastical Formation of the Moon." A reading from Morgoth's Ring for International Tolkien Reading Day 2020 and an astronomy lesson :)
"Crowns and Crowds: The Importance of the Bodleian's Tolkien: Maker of Middle-earth Exhibition in (Potentially) Solving an Astronomical Mystery." I got bored again and taped a version of my April 2019 Popular Culture Association paper, in which I discuss an idea for what constellation is represented by the crown of Durin.
"Kind People!!!: The Adventures of Svetlana Snape Down the Rabbit Hole." I got REALLY board and taped an extended version of a paper I gave at the April 2016 University of Vermont Tolkien Conference. This is very much a fan studies paper, in which I analyze the infamous "Thread" of the Tolkien Society Facebook group. This one has to be experienced without spoilers.
"Ragnarok and the Rekindling of the Magic Sun." Another boredom project during the pandemic; I re-recorded a presentation I had given at the Tolkien Anniversaries Symposium, WMU Library, May 2017, considering Tolkien's discussion of the fate of the sun in the end times in Middle-earth.
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